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一些 Linux Shell 和 Win Shell 小技巧

Win ajiang-tuzi 5699浏览

2.通过 chcp命令改变代码页,UTF-8的代码页为65001
3.输入 chcp 65001

Win 查看系统版本
systeminfo |findstr Windows|findstr Microsoft

C:\Users\Administrator>systeminfo |findstr Wind
OS 名称:          Microsoft Windows 7 旗舰版


php 查看版本 以及None-Thread Safe與Thread Safe(非線程安全與線程安全)版本
1.phpinfo() 下面的 Thread Safety 选项
2.The proper method is to check you currently installed PHP is it nts version or ts version. TS version would have php5ts.dll inside of your php folder; while regular NTS version would have php.dll inside of your php folder. Don’t simply copy over php5.dll, instead re-configure your php.ini not to use or to use NTS/TS version of extensions.

正确的方法是检查你当前安装的PHP是否是nts版本或ts版本。TS版本会在你的php文件夹里面有php5ts.dll; 而正常的NTS版本将在您的php文件夹中具有php.dll。不要简单地复制php5.dll,而是重新配置您的php.ini不使用或使用NTS / TS版本的扩展。

if your php version is Non-Thread-Safe (nts) you must use php extension with format example: extension=php_cl_dbg_5_2_nts.dll else if your php version is Thread-Safe (ts) you must use php extension with format example: extension=php_cl_dbg_5_2_ts.dll (notice bolded words)
So if get error like above. Firstly, check your PHP version is nts or ts, if is nts.
Then check in php.ini whether has any line like zend_extension_ts=”C:\xammp\php\ext\php_dbg.dll-5.2.x” choose right version of php_dbg.dll-5.2.x from it homepage (google for it). Change from zend_extension_ts to zend_extension_nts.

Note that ending the filename with nts.dll and ts.dll is just a convention. It’s totally possible for a nts dll to be named as ts.dll and vice-versa.


Linux 查看系统版本
运行echo $HOSTTYPE
通过list open file命令可以查看到当前打开文件,在linux中所有事物都是以文件形式存在,包括网络连接及硬件设备。
i 参数表示网络链接,:80 指明端口号,该命令会同时列出PID,方便kill

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