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Magento数据库结构 EAV 之 属性回溯 通过SKU 追踪SKU Color 属性

Magento 资料整理 ajiang-tuzi 6378浏览



让我们开始新建一条完整的产品记录,你需要将属性与我们的实体表相关联,做这之前先看下表eav_attribute,这张表在magento里为所有不同的实体存储了所有的属性,打开表,你会看到里面有好几百条不同属性的记录,为什么有些名称还是一样的呢?困惑吧?magento是如何辨别的呢?很快你就会注意到entity_type_id,每一个实体都会有一个entity_type_id,为了找出来,那就再回来catalog_product_entity表,看entity_type_id字段,你会发现所有的记录值都是10,如果你有去看catalog_category_entity,你将会看到一个不同的entity_type_id值。根据这个值和attribute code你就可以找到所有产品的属性,当然也可以所有其它实体的属性了。

# 找出所有产品的属性

SELECT attribute_code FROM eav_attribute WHERE entity_type_id = 10;  

# 找出单个产品的属性

SELECT attribute_code FROM eav_attribute WHERE entity_type_id = 10 AND attribute_code = 'name';   

你得到属性和实体了吧。接下来了解下值,值被分离在不同的表中,让我们看下所有前缀是catalog_product_entity的表,值是根据它们的类型来分的,例如,所有的价格以及其它decimal属性的会存储在表catalog_product_entity_decimal中,另外所有文本类型数据会存储在catalog_product_varchar中,需要指出的是每个属性存储的表,magento在eav_attribute表中使用字段backend_type记录,如果你运行以下查询,你将可以找到产品属性’name’的backend type。

SELECT attribute_code, backend_type FROM eav_attribute WHERE entity_type_id = 4 AND attribute_code = 'name';   


*Weicot 兔子属性测试
*属性回溯  通过SKU 追踪SKU Color 属性
*作者 ajiang-兔子 
mysql> select * from catalog_product_entity limit 0,10 \G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       entity_id: 24
  entity_type_id: 4
attribute_set_id: 4
         type_id: simple
             sku: 291194
     has_options: 1
required_options: 1
      created_at: 2015-09-18 06:56:48
      updated_at: 2015-10-15 10:37:48
*************************** 2. row ***************************

SELECT attribute_code FROM eav_attribute WHERE entity_type_id = 4 AND attribute_code ='color'; 

通过 entity_id 查找产品配置
select * from catalog_product_entity_int where entity_id='11';

mysql> select * from catalog_product_entity_int where entity_id='11';
| value_id | entity_type_id | attribute_id | store_id | entity_id | value |
|       34 |              4 |           81 |        0 |        11 |  NULL |
|       35 |              4 |           92 |        0 |        11 |     6 |
|       31 |              4 |           96 |        0 |        11 |     1 |
|       37 |              4 |          100 |        0 |        11 |     0 |
|       32 |              4 |          102 |        0 |        11 |     4 |
|       33 |              4 |          121 |        0 |        11 |     0 |
|       36 |              4 |          134 |        0 |        11 |     5 |

//通过SKU 获得 entity_id

select * from catalog_product_entity where sku='292592';

mysql> select * from catalog_product_entity where sku='292592' \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       entity_id: 1130
  entity_type_id: 4
attribute_set_id: 4
         type_id: simple
             sku: 292592
     has_options: 1
required_options: 1
      created_at: 2015-12-22 08:54:30
      updated_at: 2015-12-22 08:54:30
1 row in set (0.22 sec)

//获得 entity_id 1130 配置数据

select * from catalog_product_entity_int where entity_id='1130' \G

mysql> select * from catalog_product_entity_int where entity_id='1130';
| value_id | entity_type_id | attribute_id | store_id | entity_id | value |
|    68662 |              4 |           92 |        0 |      1130 |     3 |
|    68665 |              4 |           96 |        0 |      1130 |     1 |
|    68667 |              4 |          102 |        0 |      1130 |     4 |
|    68666 |              4 |          121 |        0 |      1130 |     0 |
|    68664 |              4 |          132 |        0 |      1130 |     6 |
|    68663 |              4 |          133 |        0 |      1130 |     9 |
|    68701 |              4 |          138 |        1 |      1130 |     1 |

//获得color attribute_id 92

SELECT * FROM eav_attribute WHERE entity_type_id = 4 AND attribute_code ='color'\G

mysql> SELECT * FROM eav_attribute WHERE entity_type_id = 4 AND attribute_code ='color'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
   attribute_id: 92
 entity_type_id: 4
 attribute_code: color
attribute_model: NULL
  backend_model: NULL
   backend_type: int
  backend_table: NULL
 frontend_model: NULL
 frontend_input: select
 frontend_label: Color
 frontend_class: NULL
   source_model: NULL
    is_required: 0
is_user_defined: 1
  default_value: 6
      is_unique: 0
           note: NULL
1 row in set (0.20 sec)

//获得  entity_type_id: 4 的值

select * from eav_entity_type \G;

mysql> select * from eav_entity_type \G;
*************************** 3. row ***************************
             entity_type_id: 3
           entity_type_code: catalog_category
               entity_model: catalog/category
            attribute_model: catalog/resource_eav_attribute
               entity_table: catalog/category
         value_table_prefix: NULL
            entity_id_field: NULL
            is_data_sharing: 1
           data_sharing_key: default
   default_attribute_set_id: 3
            increment_model: NULL
        increment_per_store: 0
       increment_pad_length: 8
         increment_pad_char: 0
 additional_attribute_table: catalog/eav_attribute
entity_attribute_collection: catalog/category_attribute_collection
*************************** 4. row ***************************
             entity_type_id: 4
           entity_type_code: catalog_product
               entity_model: catalog/product
            attribute_model: catalog/resource_eav_attribute
               entity_table: catalog/product
         value_table_prefix: NULL
            entity_id_field: NULL
            is_data_sharing: 1
           data_sharing_key: default
   default_attribute_set_id: 4
            increment_model: NULL
        increment_per_store: 0
       increment_pad_length: 8
         increment_pad_char: 0
 additional_attribute_table: catalog/eav_attribute
entity_attribute_collection: catalog/product_attribute_collection

//获得 attribute_id='92'; 的集合
mysql>  select * from eav_attribute_option where  attribute_id='92';
| option_id | attribute_id | sort_order |
|         3 |           92 |          3 |
|         4 |           92 |          2 |
|         5 |           92 |          1 |
|        12 |           92 |          4 |
|        13 |           92 |          6 |
|        14 |           92 |          5 |
|        18 |           92 |          7 |

select * from eav_attribute_option_value;
mysql>  select * from eav_attribute_option_value;
| value_id | option_id | store_id | value             |
|        1 |         1 |        0 | Male              |
|        2 |         2 |        0 | Female            |
|       39 |         9 |        0 | Elite             |
|       40 |         9 |        1 | Elite             |
|       41 |        10 |        0 | Limited           |
|       42 |        10 |        1 | Limited           |
|       43 |        11 |        0 | Game              |
|       44 |        11 |        1 | Game              |
|      100 |        19 |        0 | Game              |
|      101 |        19 |        1 | Game              |
|      102 |        20 |        0 | Limited           |
|      103 |        20 |        1 | Limited           |
|      104 |        21 |        0 | Hoodie            |
|      105 |        21 |        1 | Hoodie            |
|      106 |        22 |        0 | Elite             |
|      107 |        22 |        1 | Elite             |
|      114 |        26 |        0 | Hoodie            |
|      115 |        27 |        0 | elite             |
|      117 |        29 |        0 | Mitchell and Ness |
|      151 |        31 |        0 | Infant            |
|      152 |        31 |        1 | Infant            |
|      153 |        28 |        0 | men               |
|      154 |         6 |        0 | Men               |
|      155 |         6 |        1 | Men               |
|      156 |         7 |        0 | Women             |
|      157 |         7 |        1 | Women             |
|      158 |         8 |        0 | Youth             |
|      159 |         8 |        1 | Youth             |
|      160 |        16 |        0 | Toddler           |
|      161 |        16 |        1 | Toddler           |
|      200 |        42 |        0 | Sweater           |
|      201 |        30 |        0 | C Patch           |
|      202 |        25 |        0 | C patch           |
|      203 |        25 |        1 | C patch           |
|      204 |        24 |        0 | SB XLVIII         |
|      205 |        24 |        1 | SB XLVIII         |
|      206 |        23 |        0 | SB XLIX           |
|      207 |        23 |        1 | SB XLIX           |
|      208 |        43 |        0 | Lights Out        |
|      209 |        44 |        0 | Drift             |
|      210 |        32 |        0 | Camo              |
|      211 |        33 |        0 | Salute to Service |
|      212 |        34 |        0 | Split             |
|      213 |        38 |        0 | Zebra             |
|      298 |         5 |        0 | Blue              |
|      299 |         5 |        1 | Blue              |
|      300 |         4 |        0 | Grey              |
|      301 |         4 |        1 | Grey              |
|      302 |         3 |        0 | White             |
|      303 |         3 |        1 | White             |
|      304 |        12 |        0 | Green             |
|      305 |        12 |        1 | Green             |
|      306 |        14 |        0 | Black             |
|      307 |        14 |        1 | Black             |
|      308 |        13 |        0 | Red               |
|      309 |        13 |        1 | Red               |
|      310 |        18 |        0 | Pink              |
|      311 |        18 |        1 | Pink              |
58 rows in set (0.21 sec)

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