1、在用户执行rm命令时,将文件移动/dump-file/ ,被移动到dump-file 目录下的文件、文件夹以原文件名+删除除的日期格式存放,如 rm.sh 在删除后就会被自动移动到/dump-file/ 下并命名为rm.sh_2011-05-17_11:18:21.bak
cp -rp /bin/rm /bin/rm.bak
//将系统原有rm 命令改成rm.bak,记住 一定要改成rm.bak,因为回收站脚本需要调用 rm.bak这个命令。
cp -rp rm.sh /bin/rm
//将你的脚本文件rm.sh 覆盖成/bin/rm文件
chmod +x /bin/rm
echo “0 8? * * 6?? /bin/sh? /fmnp/soft/clean-dump.sh ” >>/var/spool/cron/tabs/root
//为了防止 /dump-file目录过大,采取每周进行一次删除操作,脚本如下:
/bin/rm.bak -rf /dump-file/*
/bin/rm.bak -rf /tmp/*.rm-dump
?? #!/bin/bash DumpFile=/dump-file/ File=`echo $line|awk '{print $2}'` aa=$(echo $1|grep "^-") DumpLog="`whoami`-`date +%m-%d-%H-%M`.rm-dump" function TestDir() { Test_Dir=$(echo $line|grep "/") #test if is a directory. Test_Dir2=$(echo $line |awk '{print $2}'|grep "^/") # Test if the prameter starts with "/". Test_Dir3=$(echo $line |awk '{print $2}'|grep "^/tmp") # Dir2=$(echo $line |awk -F/ '{print $2}') #Extract the prameter after the first "/". Dir=$(echo $line |awk '{print $2}'|awk -F/ '{print $1}') ##Extract the prameter before the first "/". D1=`date +%F_%H:%M:%S.bak` Date=`echo $line | awk '{print $2 "_" D1}' D1=$D1` DumpLog="`whoami`-`date +%m-%d-%H-%M`.rm-dump" if [[ $Test_Dir != "" ]] ;then #If parameters include directory if [[ $Test_Dir2 != "" ]] ;then #If parameter starts with "/",as formate /a/b/c/ if [[ $Test_Dir3 != "" ]];then # this test is for to repaire less command's error. rm.bak -rf `echo $line|awk '{print $2}'` else #echo $line "start with /" mkdir $DumpFile$Dir2"_"$D1 2>/tmp/$DumpLog # Create directory as format /dump-file/(first directory after "/") mv `echo $line|awk '{print $2}'` $DumpFile$Dir2"_"$D1 echo $DumpFile$Dir2"_"$D1 fi else #Means that parameter starts without "/" ,as format a/b/c mkdir $DumpFile$Dir$D1 #Create directory as format /dump-file/(first directory before "/") mv `echo $line|awk '{print $2}'` $DumpFile$Dir$D1 echo $line "starts before /" fi else Date=`echo $line | awk '{print $2 "_" D1}' D1=$D1` mv `echo $line|awk '{print $2}'` $DumpFile$Date fi } if [[ "$1" != "" ]] ;then #If the frist parameter is not empty. if [[ $aa != "$1" ]];then #If the first parameter not start with "-". du -s "$@" 2>/tmp/$DumpLog |while read line do size=`echo $line | awk '$1 >2000000{print $1}'` if [ "$size" > "1900000" ];then #echo "Lager than 2Mb" rm.bak -rf `echo $line|awk '{print $2}'` else TestDir fi done else if [[ "$2" != ""? ]]; then until [ "$2" == ""? ] do #echo "function is running" du -s $2 2> /tmp/$DumpLog |while read line do size=`echo $line | awk '$1 >2000000{print $1}'` if [ "$size" > "1900000" ];then #echo "Lager than 2Mb" rm.bak -rf $2 else TestDir fi shift done shift done else echo -e "No file detected./nTry 'rm --help' for more information. " fi fi else echo -e "rm: missing operand /nTry 'rm --help' for more information." fi
mkdir /dump-file && chmod -R 777 /dump-file
//创建/dump-file 目录并给予所有用户可写的权限。
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