1.首先你的安装 PHP Composer 依赖管理工具;
2.把 composer.phar 拷贝到你的网站跟目录 执行composer.bat 这步可以不要
3.我假设你已经安装完成 用命令行在网站根目录执行这个
php composer.phar install1 4.下载安装包1# jiang@小江 e:\XPP\htdocs\magento2\magento2-develop php composer.phar install Loading composer repositories with package information Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file - Installing phpunit/php-code-coverage (2.2.4) Downloading: 100% - Installing phpunit/phpunit (4.1.0) Downloading: 100% - Installing league/climate (2.6.1) Downloading: 100% - Installing sjparkinson/static-review (4.1.1) Downloading: 100% - Installing squizlabs/php_codesniffer (1.5.3) Downloading: 100% phpunit/php-code-coverage suggests installing ext-xdebug (>=2.2.1) phpunit/phpunit suggests installing phpunit/php-invoker (~1.1) sjparkinson/static-review suggests installing sensiolabs/security-checker (Required for ComposerSecurityReview.) Generating autoload files
由于我网络比较渣 下了好几次才成功
5.安装magento2 我安装的时候出现了一个小问题
PHP Extensions Check 1 missing PHP extensions. Hide detail The best way to resolve this is to install the correct missing extensions. The exact fix depends on our server, your host, and other system variables. Our PHP extension help can get you started. For additional assistance, contact your hosting provider.
经检查是? PHP Extension intl. 加载失败 但是我的这个是启用的
icudt50.dll icuin50.dll icuio50.dll icule50.dll iculx50.dll icutu50.dll icuuc50.dll
然后,在php.ini 添加一行 extension=php_intl.dll。
最后,重启apache 即可正常使用。
或者修改环境变量(window+Pause Break组合键),在Path中添加php的路径。 然后完美解决了我的问题
7.完成 来晒一张图 可以看的出Magento 还很不完善 很多功能正在开发当中