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My integration has been identified as passing incorrect or invalid data to PayPal. What should I do? paypal 更新接口

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My integration has been identified as passing incorrect or invalid data to PayPal. What should I do?

If you were contacted by PayPal about updating your integration by January 18, 2017, please refer to the following guidelines to ensure you’re passing the correct data. If you do not update your integration by January 18, 2017, your business may be unable to process payments through your PayPal Payments Standard integration.

This update applies to:
Website Payments Standard
PayPal Payments Standard
HTML buttons

Check your integration for the most common problems
The following are the most common issues reported by merchants on their integrations:
Passing values other than an integer or “.” in the amount field
Passing country code values greater than two letters
Passing more than 127 characters in the item_number field (for example, using item_number for Note to Buyer information)
Passing more than 64 characters in option fields (on0, on1, etc.)
Passing duplicate empty parameters
If your integration is correctly passing the above:
Please make sure to compare the PayPal Payments Standard Developer Documentation and associated HTML reference to your integration. These documents contain all of the supported parameters that PayPal accepts.
If you use a third-party cart service for your integration:
Hundreds of shopping carts are pre-integrated with PayPal Payments Standard or Website Payments Standard. If you currently have PayPal enabled through one of these carts, please contact your cart provider directly.
Still need help?
Please contact PayPal Merchant Technical Support.

Q: Why do I need to make these changes?
A: We are enhancing our checkout experience on January 18, 2017. To continue to process transactions through your checkout, you’ll need to update your integration.

Q: What will happen if I don’t make these changes?
A: PayPal will not be able to process your checkout transactions.

Q: When do I need to have the changes completed?
A: We encourage you to adjust your integration any time before January 18, 2017.

Q: How can I determine if the changes I made fixed the issue?
A: Refer to the common issues listed above, as well as to the PayPal Payments Standard Developer Documentation.

Q: I’ve reviewed the FAQs and the documentation, but I still have questions. What resources do I have?
A: For additional help, please contact PayPal Merchant Technical Support.

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