Magento 2 开放下载
ajiang-tuzi 9年前 (2015-11-18) 17265浏览
要求 Magento has been tested with PHP 7.0 Release Candidate 7 (currently the most recent) There is a known PHP issue with vers...
ajiang-tuzi 9年前 (2015-11-18) 17265浏览
要求 Magento has been tested with PHP 7.0 Release Candidate 7 (currently the most recent) There is a known PHP issue with vers...
ajiang-tuzi 10年前 (2015-10-31) 10666浏览
这是开发版 1.首先你的安装 PHP Composer 依赖管理工具; 2.把 composer.phar 拷贝到你的网站跟目录 执行composer.bat 这步可以不要 3.我假设你已经安装完成 用命令行在网站根目录执行这个 php compo...