Magento technology stack
Magento鈥檚 highly modular structure includes the following open-source technologies:
Web servers
Apache 2.x
Nginx 1.7+
- 5.5, 5.6x, 7.0
- MySQL 5.6.x
- MySQL Percona 5.6.x
Reverse Proxy/Web Accelerator
Varnish 3.x
Varnish 4.x
Cache Storage
- Redis 2.x
- Redis 3.x
- Memcache 1.4.x
- Solr 4.x
Additional technologies
CSS3 (LESS CSS pre-processor)
JQuery (primary JavaScript library)
- RequireJS (library that helps load JavaScript resources on demand)
Third-party libraries (Zend Framework 1, Zend Framework 2, Symfony)
Coding standards PSR-0 (autoloading standard), PSR-1 (basic coding standards), and PSR-2 (coding style guide), PSR-3, PSR-4
- Composer (dependency management package for PHP)
Optional stack components include:
- Varnish (caching)
- Redis (used for page caching)
- Solr (search engine)
Magento is compatible with but not supported for:
- HHVM 3.9 PHP interpreter
Magento also provides an automated testing suite that includes test scripts for integration, functional areas, and performance. Components include PHPUnit for the unit test framework and Selenium for the functional test framework.
This framework is included in Magento/mtf
. For more information, see Magento Testing Framework guide.
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