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Verify split databases

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After configuration, the master databases are configured as follows:

  • Main magento database: 250 tables
  • Magento checkout database: 10 tables
  • Magento OMS database: 54 tables

To verify your split databases are working properly, perform the following tasks and verify that data is added to the database tables using a database tool like phpmyadmin:

What to verify How to verify
Checkout database is working Add items to a cart. Verify that rows have been added to your checkout database's quote, quote_address, and quote_item tables.
OMS database is working Complete an order (any payment method, including check/money order). Verify that rows have been added to your OMS database's sales_order_address, sales_order_item, and sales_order_payment tables.

Next step (optional)

Set up optional database replication