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Each web API call returns an HTTP status code that reflects the result of a request.

POST, PUT, and GET web API calls return a response payload.

HTTP status codes

Each web API call returns an HTTP status code that reflects the result of a request:

HTTP code Meaning Description
200 Success The framework returns HTTP 200 to the caller upon success.
400 Bad Request If service implementation throws either Magento_Service_Exception or its derivative, framework returns a HTTP 400 with a error response including the service-specific error code and message.
401 Unauthorized If an error occurs during credential validation or if service throws Magento_Service_AuthorizationException, framework returns HTTP 401.
404 Incorrect URI/Resource not found If the request endpoint is not correct, framework returns HTTP 404. If service throws Magento_Service_ResourceNotFoundException, framework returns HTTP 404.
500 System Errors If service implementation throws any other exception like network errors, database communication, framework returns HTTP 500.

Response payload

POST, PUT, and GET web API calls return a response payload. This payload is a JSON- or XML-formatted response body. The Accept: application/<FORMAT> header in the request determines the format of the response body, where <FORMAT> is either json or xml.

The response payload depends on the call.

For example, a GET /V1/customers/:customerId call returns the following payload:

    "customers": {
        "customer": {
            "email": "",
            "firstname": "John",
            "lastname": "Doe"
        "addresses": [
                "defaultShipping": true,
                "defaultBilling": true,
                "firstname": "John",
                "lastname": "Doe",
                "region": {
                    "regionCode": "CA",
                    "region": "California",
                    "regionId": 12
                "postcode": "90001",
                "street": ["Zoe Ave"],
                "city": "Los Angeles",
                "telephone": "555-000-00-00",
                "countryId": "US"

This JSON-formatted response body includes a customer object with the customer email, first name, and last name, and customer address information. The information in this response body shows account information for the specified customer.