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GitHub API rate limit

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You reach the GitHub API rate limit

Could not fetch <name>, enter your GitHub credentials to go over the API rate limit
The credentials will be swapped for an OAuth token stored in /var/www/.composer/auth.json, your password will not be stored

Solution (based on coderwall:

  1. Press Control+C to stop the current activity.
  2. Log in to
  3. Click GitHub settings button in the horizontal toolbar to view your GitHub account settings.
  4. In the left pane, click Applications, as the following figure shows.

    GitHub Applications menu

  5. In the right pane, click Generate New Token, as the following figure shows.

    Generate a new token

  6. Enter a description for the token in the provided field.

    To change other values on this page, consult the GitHub help.

  7. Click Generate Token.
  8. Click Copy Token, as the following figure shows.

    Copying a GitHub token

  9. Save the token you just copied. You cannot view it again.

  10. Log in to your Magento server.

  11. In a command prompt or terminal window, change to your Magento installation directory.

    On Ubuntu, you might need to elevate to the root user first: sudo -s

  12. As a user with root privileges, enter the following command:

    composer config -g <your token>

    If the command fails, try making the Magento file system owner the owner of your web server docroot directory.

    If these suggestions don鈥檛 work, try logging in to GitHub when prompted.

  13. Repeat the task that failed previously (usually running either composer install or composer update)